Wednesday, September 2, 2009

I'd like to introduce...

Three very special Pet Partners...
(from the left) Dugan with hospital staff and Beth, Bobby Lee with Peggy, and Maddy.

Autumn's First Dance

Sigh…autumn is tiptoeing in! The leaves are shimmering in the breeze and the light is changing. I love the sparkling quality of light on a beautiful, crisp autumn day. It has such a special, ethereal feel that leaves me wanting more. Wishing I could bottle up the best of Autumn, but knowing if I did, its exquisite specialness would be compromised. I want to be in a vast western Colorado, Wyoming, or Montana valley, surrounded by steep crisp peaks, evergreen polka dots, with golden aspen tumbling down the sides, leaves dancing in the breeze…and enveloped by a brilliant blue sky, sprinkled just right with fluffy white clouds. A crispness in the air, breathing in, being, everything that is my special Autumn.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009


can be fleeting when you want it most. I've been struggling with this book and my motivation. I want this book to have life - very much so. But those self-confidence busting little scripts have been getting annoying and a bit debilitating the last month or so. I recently watched the movie Julie/Julia and, along with some good laughs, am finding inspiration from her persistence and faith.

I did complete photos for the first three interviews, to be posted shortly on this blog. I am also reconnecting with several potential interviewees who have expressed interest in this project. I am working my way back to this labor of love...I do want this book to be born and inspire people.

In the moment, choose happiness with no expectations...
Love to all,