We met at the Lubbock, Texas animal shelter. She was a tiny, fuzzy black and tan puppy padding around a filthy, mouse-infested pen. Her two siblings wanted nothing to do with her. Toddling around her enclosure, a big smile on her black, fuzzy face, she was the happy, outgoing one. Her sweet face held big soulful brown eyes, melting everyone who picked her up. I watched as others picked her up and tried to cuddle her. She squirmed, wanting to be put down. I made a mental note to come back and visit with her.
After walking around the shelter, not connecting with anyone, I came back and picked her up. That was it. She buried herself into me, her little paws hugging me tight. I could feel her wanting with all her heart to come home with me. She adopted me on the spot.
We held each other for along time, until the staff started to shoo me out so they could close. I could not adopt her right then. She and her siblings could be claimed for three more days. I could, if she was still there, adopt her day after tomorrow. Satisfied that no one could, or would, take her, I arrived back at the shelter two days later. I was at the door as they unlocked it to open. I told the clerk which puppy I wanted to adopt.
She said those puppies were sick and anti-social. They were to be put down that morning. I protested and won. Scooping her up and holding her tight, I filled out the adoption papers. At her vet appointment, he said she was healthy and happy - a wonderful choice! A little worming and ear mite medicine and she was good as new.

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